This study provides the scholarly literature on citizenship education and multiculturalism in England. It identifies some key themses within the research, such as citizenship, diversity, multiculturalism and multicultural identities. There is a growing recognition that muliticlutrual education and citizenship education both in England and South Korea. The implementation of citizenship education as a national curriculum subject in England is taking place since 2002.
This study are fourfold. Firstly, this study looks at the background of multiculturalism in England. Secondly, this study examines the implementation of citizenship education which was the outcome of the most significant innovation of curriculum 2000 in England. Thirdly, this study identifies the a few example of multicultural education within citizenship education materials and guidelines from the Department of Education and Skills. Finally this study suggests what the lessons can be taken from England and how Korean society as a whole help young people to prepare as global citizens in the multicultural society. This study also finds some gaps in the research literature and concludes by proposing an on-going agenda for future research. (ÀÌÇÏ »ý·«)